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Regional Stratigraphy Of The East Barito Regency (Central Kalimantan - Indonesia)

Investigations by Regional Area is part of the Barito Basin, including into the eastern part of the Geological Map Sheet Tamiang Fly. Based on geological data from the above mentioned map sheets, lithologic composition is as follows:

ALLUVIUM (Qa): Mud gray - black, insert limonite clay and peat, sand, gravel, pebbles and chunks of rock are older. Is the result of stream sediment or floodplain. Thickness reaches 10 meters.

FORMASI DAHOR (TQd): Sandstone is less dense to loose, insert siltstone, shale, lignite and limonite. Deposited in a transitional environment to reach 300 meters thick. Plio-Pleistocene age suspected. The formation is not aligned on top of the formations below and generally located on the morphology of the lowlands, which are sometimes difficult to separate the sediment surface.

Warukin Formation (Tmw): coarse sandstone - is in part conglomeratic, insert siltstone and shale, semi-solid, layered and cross-bedding perarian structured and tiered layers. Open fold structure with a layer of approximately 10 ° slope. Formation is Middle Miocene - Miocene, reaching 500 meters in thickness and deposited in the transition area. Warukin formations are aligned on top of disarray and Montalat Formation. According to its physical properties, thi
s formation is located in the undulating plains sloping morphology.
FORMASI MONTALAT (Tomm): white quartz sandstone cross-bedding structure, partly calcareous, insert siltstone, shale and coal. Small fossilized forams Oligocene (P19 - N3). Deposited in open shallow sea, with a thickness reaching 1400 meters. This Formation Formation menjemari with dispersed and aligned above the Tanjung Formation. Type of multiplication is similar to the Tanjung Formation, but a little more open. Distribution occupies hilly morphology.

Formation flight (Tomb): Limestone-coated with claystone, marl and coal, some tersilikakan and contains limonite. Limestone large fossilized forams showed that age Middle Oligocene - Late Oligocene (Td-e). One also fossilized benthic forams. This formation was deposited in shallow marine reach 1250 meters in thickness and morphology occupies a steep karst hills.

TANJUNG FORMASI (Tet): The lower part of alternating sandstone, shale, siltstone and conglomerate of different materials, partly calcareous. Conglomerate components include quartz, feldspar, granite, schist, gabbro and basaltic. Components found within quartz sandstone glaukonit. The top of alternating sandstone bermika quartz, siltstone, limestone and coal. Fossilized forams plangton siltstone showing age Eocene - Oligocene (Q16-N3), while large berforam batugampingnya Eocene (Tb). The formation is not aligned on the Mesozoic rocks, folded almost north - south with a slope layer is generally 20 °, and has approximately 1300 meters thick, and spread in hilly areas.

FORMASI Pitap (KSP): sedimentary and volcanic rocks are composed stratified inseparable. Sedimentary rocks in the form of dark gray siltstone, dark gray crystalline limestone, gray fine sandstone, red shale and shale napalan, thickness between 20 cm - 300 cm, partially folded. Volcanic rocks of andesite, basalt and amfibolit. Andesite and basalt form leleran gray, green, altered into clay minerals, calcite or chlorite, berpiroksen and porphyritic. Pilotaksit textured basalt and amigdaloid. Amfibolit cracked lens in the form of basalt, the thickness reaches 40 cm. This unit occupies the area of high hills, and rough morphology. Thickness can reach 100 meters Late Cretaceous (KSP).

KASALE volcanic rocks (Kvh): Represent dikes, plugs, stocks, which typically consists of gray-green pyroxene basalt, porphyritic until pilotaksit. Most altered to form clay minerals, chlorite and calcite. This unit reaches 50 m thick and occupies a region of high hills and rough morphology, and correlated with the Cretaceous Formation Haruyan Top (Kvh).

GRANITE lime (Kgr): Granite biotite dove-colored, partially fractured. Singkapannya Pitap and associated with the formation and spread in the region Haruyan bermorfologi high hills. Variations rocks include biotite granodiorite, biotite adamelit, granite genes, some textured graphics and mirmekit. This rock formation through Pitap and allegedly Late Cretaceous age.

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