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Land Clearing and Timber Cutting Techniques

hi all, meet again, now I will explain how to do the right land clearing and timber cutting techniques are correct. In coal mining we know the "land clearing" the process of clearing the land to be mined from the trees and other forest plants before stripping Over burden or top soil.

Land Clearing Activities:

1. Under Brushing
Clearing of trees with a diameter of 30 cm maximum

2. Felling and Cutting
Clearing of trees over 30 cm in diameter


3. Pilling
Stacking wood that has been collected by a certain distance


4. Burning
Burning wood has dried enough that has been collected without burning wood production


While the method of Land Clearing:

1. Perimeter Method
Method of cutting a circle in the middle stacked material


2. Crop Cut method 
Withholding that starts from the middle toward the exit


To correct the tree-cutting techniques are:
1. Preparation
- Parking place secure unit
- Perform Observation


2. True Cut Technique:
- Note the direction of leaning trees


3. False Cut Techniques:
- No attention heeling tree
- Operate the device at random


4. True Cut Technique:
- Cutting edge of tree roots
- Encouraging the direction of inclination


5. True Cut Technique:
- Break down by tilting

So a little explanation about the technique I land clearing and tree cutting techniques, hopefully to remind us together. Due to the small case, we will be great. the past is key to the future. The next meeting, I'll write a guide for an operator of heavy equipment to clear land. thank you

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